We are so excited to share that we’ve reached the milestone of owning and operating Black Bear Golf Club for two years this October! It has been a joy to be a part of this community and get to know all of the golfers that make Black Bear the best golf community in Florida.
We hope that everyone has enjoyed the improvements we’ve made to the course, club house, and restaurant. In two years we have improved:
- Hole 3 – slightly enlarged green surface in back portion of green
- Hole 4 – filled in bunker in front of green (22 truckloads of earth to fill), removed 4 trees near forward tee, added new sod to forward tee.
- Hole 5 – renewed green tee to playable conditions again
- Hole 6 – resurface and enlarge green by 100%, added sod to forward tee
- Hole 8 – trimmed trees on right
- Hole 9 – trimmed trees on right, currently filling in bunker in front of green to make grass
- Hole 16 – brought irrigation to far left side of fairway
- Hole 17 – brought irrigation to white tee box, added sod to white tee box
- New roof on club house and cart barn
- Extended Kitchen hours and revamped Bear’s Den Menu, to include weekly specials
- Friday evening dinner and live entertainment (to begin again this fall)
- New beverage cart
- Weekly games organized and run through pro shop, results posted on website
- Monthly couples events
- Fully stocked pro shop, ready to place custom orders
- Full service club repair, re-gripping, re-shafting, etc…quick turnaround
- Parking lot improvements
- New Golf Carts
And we’re not done yet! We have many more projects in the works including:
- A Hole 18 experiment, at players choice, play to the front part of putting green to the right of the water instead of the regular green.
- Paint & repair exterior of clubhouse
- New forward tee markers
- Cart Path extensions
- Complete sodding of the front right bunker on hole #6 and front bunker on hole #9
We’ve also recently made the decision to only allow online booking for our tee times. This may be one of the biggest changes, but one we feel will improve the level of service you receive when you come to Black Bear and ensure that all of our golfers are aware of our course’s policies. We hope everyone will grow with us on this journey and embrace all that the future has to bring to Black Bear.
Thank you for your warm welcome and continued support of our family. We cherish all of our golfers and patrons and strive to provide the best experience for all of you.